JEANNE H. McDONALD has 28 years of experience in the representation of homeowners associations, specializing in all aspects of their legal needs. In addition to advising Boards on all legal aspects of an association’s functioning, she has extensive experience with lien and foreclosure procedures and post-sale issues which she acquired during her experience in directing a trustee/foreclosure service. Ms. McDonald also is expert in researching and resolving complex title issues involving, among other things, recorded restrictions against properties.

Her expertise ranges from issues affecting triplexes and quadriplexes, on the smaller end of the scale, to problems faced by large-scale, self-managed developments, such as employee relations, corporate maintenance, dealings with contractors and other vendors, owner-Board disputes, and more. She has extensive experience with issues relating to unusually formed associations, such as trusts, stock co-operatives, own-your-own apartments, older planned developments which do not fall under the laws applicable to common interest developments, and master and sub-association relations.

Ms. McDonald is a member of the Los Angeles County Bar Association in addition to the California State Bar Association. She is also a member of Community Associations Institute, a nationwide organization comprised primarily of professionals servicing the common interest development community, and is an affiliate member of California Association of Community Managers.

Ms. McDonald has taught extension courses on association management and law at West Los Angeles College in Culver City, as well as College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita. She has written articles for various trade magazines servicing the community association industry.

Ms. McDonald graduated from Whittier College School of Law where she was on the Dean’s List for academic excellence and the Honor Roll. Ms. McDonald was also an editor of the Law Review.

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